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Podil district

Shchekavytsia is one the Kyiv’s mountains above the historical Podil district. It was mentions as the mountain represented by Shchek - one of the three brothers, who were the founders of Kyiv. The historians also describe name origin from Slavic “shchek” – the brae or from “shchekot” – the nightingale. One of the hypotheses says that there was the Danparshtadt – the capital of the Gothic state (IV century). Nowadays the hill is almost completely built up. However, on the top of it there is parkland with a viewing platform.

  • "The Primary Chronicle" asserts that Oleg the Seer, who was the first Rurik prince in Kyiv, was buried on the Shchekavytsia in 912.

  • The height of the mountain is 172.2 meter above Dnipro. You can fully observe Kyiv from here. There is a mosque here and an old cemetery.

Dear friend, get to the top of the Shchekavytsia to the viewing platform. You can take a photo of panorama view. Describe in 3 words what you’ve seen there!

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